Thursday 29 May 2008

Things that make you go 'ah'

Blowing one's own trumpet and showing off is Not Done. But I got this card from my Year 13s and it made me cry it was so sweet. So, I'm going to reproduce the comments and be quietly proud of myself.

Thank you so much for everything: you have by far made law my favourite subject

No one could ever have come up with such ridiculous ways to help us remember about a zillion cases. Thank you for being brilliant ... and a little bit weird!

Dearest Mrs __, I am ever so grateful for your teaching in law, I enjoyed the classes enormously, your personality brightening even the most boring parts of law.

Thanks for being an amazing teacher. We love you!

Law would never have been so enjoyable without you as a teacher - God knows what I'm going to do at Uni! Thank you ever so much

Thank you soooo much for your help over the past two years, you're a lovely person and a hard teacher to follow

Thank you for EVERYTHING!! You have been a great teacher, they will never live up to you at Uni...

Thank you for being the most random, great teacher and for convincing me to do law.

I'm very proud to be random and a little bit weird if it can make sane human beings love studying law...

1 comment:

Highwaylass said...

Tributes to be proud of :)