Sunday 7 September 2008

Happy returns

There are many ways in which to segment a lifespan: by careers, by rites of passage, by lovers, by hairstyles (both wise and, usually, unwise) but the simplest is by years. Tomorrow is my birthday and, unusually, I am about ten years younger than I was this time last year.

If I were clever enough to draw graphs I would be able to chart the gradual decline in my married fortunes by the manner in which my ex and I 'celebrated' my birthday. But I don't know how to do that.

1997 - a fantastic seventies cops themed party.
It was a cheap excuse to dress up as Charlie's Angels.
We scandalised the neighbourhood by having the party on the day Princess Diana was buried and the nation snuffled sadly. But we didn't. We dressed up in polyester and boogied.
2001 - my 30th. Huuuge party in Scarborough and a trip to Barcelona
2002 - I was pregnant so no drinking but we went to see a film
2005 - I was left at home to look after the kids whilst my ex went to football with his friends.
2007 - my birthday clashed with a home match again and I always lost. So went to the cinema with my best friend to watch 'Atonement' instead.
Hmmmmnnn. Do you see any decline in my fortunes? Unlike poor old Diana there weren't three people in my marriage towards the end, there were about 23. Me, my ex and the entirety of his football team. With me coming in at a paltry number 23.
So, what about this year? Well, I've had a bloody marvellous time. I went out on the town with my friends last night. We ate posh pizza. We drank cocktails with free Cobra chasers. My friends valiantly tried to get the Dj in an Indie club to play Duran Duran for me (they failed). A short Mancunian who looked like a bit like Ashley Peacock from 'Coronation Street' tried to chat me up (he also failed). I burnt chips at 4am. Today I recovered by eating Minstrels in front of 'Mamma Mia' whilst intermittently sniffling, singing and ogling Colin Firth. It rocked.
And I feel significantly younger than I did this time last year. I don't know about many happy returns, but I do know my happiness has returned.


Nikos said...

I seem not to have made any banal comments on your carefully crafted blog in the recent past!
Birthdays? The last one I celebrated "properly" was my 21st at Uni (Kate Bush and Wuthering Heights). Mrs Rochester once through a surprise party after I was 40 (Some Orgasmic chamber music**)- she invited her friends (well to be fair there was a mutual friend there too- responsible for us meeting - he has ignored me following the divorce).

** For the artistes only.

Highwaylass said...

:( the mutual friend issue seems quite tricky...I think they should come under the same kind of custody arrangements as children. "I get them for the Rothko Exhibition and the Thames Festival, you can have them for quiz night."