Sunday 3 August 2008

No, I don't eat fish. Or chicken.

In choosing the perfect holiday destination you should take into account characteristics particular to yourself.

Firstly, I have special skin that comes in four modes:
Mode 1: white
Mode 2: scarlet (following the least exposure to sun)
Mode 3: freckly
Mode 4: peeling

Additionally, I am a vegetarian. A proper one. I do not eat anything that once had a face or a parent and I call any pseudo-vegetarians who ´just eat fish´fish-and-chipocrites.
So, taking into account my skin type and feeding foibles where is the ideal holiday destination for me? Clearly (a) an organic vegetable farm in Reykjavik or, (b) my house.

In fact, I am in southern France.

French waiters have a special Gallic shrug reserved for vegetarians. In one shoulder move they can convey their total amazement that the namby-pamby carrot bothering Britons could ever have won at Crecy or Agincourt and in revenge all I'm going to get fed is an omelette. Hah.
However, there's something great about the holiday. I may be eating salad like a C-list celebrity on course for a 'How I shed the baby weight' special in OK Magazine, I may be smothered in Factor Duffle coat sun-repellent cream. But I haven't had a single argument all holiday unlike the humdinger I had with my ex on the train to Krakow this time last year.

That's progress.


Nikos said...

I like it "chipocrites", the Ancient Greek father of chip fryers

Rio said...

A close friend of Athena, Goddess of Posters

Nikos said...

in no way related to Ikea, the destroyer of tasteful posters (suitable for Asian restaurants)

Rio said...

A close confidante of Nike, the Greek Goddess of Sweatshops

Nikos said...

..and they all go on their hols to the island of Mythos and poor the self same amber nectar down their gullets.

Nikos said...
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Nikos said...

***necessary link for previous post***

Rio said...

Mythos is apparently not far from Argos, which is the best value island, but you have to order your ambrosia and nectar out of a catalogue.

Nikos said...

after Argos regrettably it's Mornington Crescent...